To make sure our products meet our customers’ evolving needs, we continuously tweak our products Mobile Office Manager and Mobile Service. Learn about our latest product updates right here.
- Added a new Balance column to the Customer and Location tabs, which shows the amount due on all invoices and payments. When a credit is applied, only the balance column for the original invoice and payment received will update.
- When Locations are made inactive, any open tickets will be voided automatically. A message will display if the user needs to cancel out of this setting. All logs will be updated on the ticket to show the date, a timestamp, and the user that made the location inactive and voided the ticket.
- Updated customer statement report format.
- Added new column to the Customer AR Aging report to shows which invoices are 120 days past due.
- Added field Progress Billing # to Add/Edit Invoice screen.
Equipment: updated QR Code report.
- Ticket categories no longer in use can be made inactive.
- Added a Void button in the Ticket list screen. The button is permission based in the user screen.
- Level 2 filter report now shows assigned mechanic instead of assigned route mechanic.
- Timesheet: added a date column at the ticket level.
- Added Finance/Budget tab Budget-Actual hours Variance column.
- Edit Projects/Budget/Actual popup added ticket description with employee name and vendor name for AP bills/PO.
- Added Progress Billing filter to the Search dropdown in the Project list.
- Added option to make targeted hours visible in Mobile Service. This feature can be turned on in the Setup/Project Setup screen. The targeted hours checkbox can be checked for certain Project level templates. This will show the Targeted column in the BOM and Finance/Budget screen. Within Mobile Service, field users can post their hours and can see their targeted hours so they can stay on budget.
- Estimate/Project templates: You can now pre-set % Overhead (OH), % Commission, % Profit, and Sales Tax in the template.
2. Sales/Opportunities/Opportunity report list can now be filtered and printed.
- Added Budgets to the comparative dropdown
- Budget screen: added a new import button to export and import MOM budget sheet with modified amounts.
- New Recurring Bills feature: you can set a bill to process regularly by setting it as a recurring bill.
- New Recurring Checks: you can enter a check without a bill and set it as a recurring check.AP Bill list now displays an Amount Due column.
- Added Status Partial to partially paid bills.
- Fixed redirection issue from the edit check to Account Ledger.
- Fixed redirection issue from the edit bill to the Account Ledger.
- Added option to turn off Use Tax on AP bills in Program/Setup/AP Setup.
- Canadian customers only: Added automated sales tax calculations on AP Bill (HST, PST, and GST). Enable this feature by going to Program/AP Setup, then check the Sales tax on Bill option. This will introduce a sales tax dropdown in the Add/Edit Vendor screen which will filter by Province. Sales can be calculated on each row on the AP bill.
- Added Ticket void permission to void open tickets.
- Password is now case sensitive.
Forgot or Reset password can be enabled in the Control Panel under Password Policy for Office users only. The Login page will give the option to Reset password by emailing the Administrator to allow the user to reset the password by authenticating their email and username.
Please note: before enabling this feature, make sure existing user’s password meets the password policy requirements, listed below.
- Must contain English uppercase characters (A to Z)
- Must contain English lowercase characters (A to Z)
- Must contain Numerical digits (0 to 9)
- Must contain a Non-alphabetic/Special Characters symbols (for example, !, $, #, %)
- Password must contain between 6 and 10 characters when privacy policy applied.
- Should not contain first 3 characters of the user’s Account Name orFirst Name and/or Last Name.