From self-check-ins at the airports to self-order menus at McDonald’s, it’s no doubt that allowing customers to take over some straightforward manual tasks will dramatically impact a business’s operational efficiency. In 2020, as businesses continually adopt this technology to help improve customer service and lower technical and customer support calls, self-service technology is expected to hit $37.5 billion globally.
With the right ERP in place, your business can take advantage of this self-service trend and empower customers to take on simple manual tasks that’ll help your organization improve customer engagement and reduce operational costs associated with technical and customer support.
With ESS’s Customer Portal, available for all users of Mobile Office Manager, your customers could have access to information and processes that will help streamline your operations. Here are 4 features within ESS’s Customer Portal and how they could help you run a smoother business and give your customers a better customer experience.
1. Customer Manager
One of the most frustrating things for customers is high wait times when they need assistance of some kind from a company. The Customer Manager feature in MOM will allow your customers to bypass the phone and email queue, by giving them some of the preliminary information that they would normally call in or email your company requesting. Customers who are calling in to request this information will now have access to what they’re looking for, freeing up your agent’s time for more serious inquiries.
In the Customer Manager Module, your customers would have access to the following information under their own profile
- Equipment covered under a contract
- Equipment ID
- Service report for equipment
- Maintenance Control Program (MCP) history
- Annual and Full Load tests performed
In addition to having this information, your customers could also easily generate reports based on the above information, which will help them stay organized and increase your value to their organization.
2. Schedule Manager
Another customer complaint is not knowing when a field technician will be visiting their site. Ensure that your customers are ready for an on-site visit by permitting them access to the Schedule Manager. This will allow them to not only view past tickets but also see when current visits and future ones are scheduled so they can be prepared and present when your field technician arrives.
In Schedule Manager, your customers will have access to the following information:
- Work performed description
- Total hours worked
- Signee of tickets
- Date and time of work performed
- Name of technician who completed tickets
- View photos of completed tickets
By providing clients with a detailed record of past and current service calls on-demand, clients will be able to track job histories, even in situations where there’s turnover or change of responsibility within their business, reducing the number of customer calls that may be placed on your dispatch team. In addition, having a shared and documented view of tickets will also leave less room for debate should concerns about billing and customer service ever come up.
3. Billing Manager
Reduce inquires regarding billings and payments by providing your customers full access to Billing Manager. This access within the Customer Portal ensures that your customers have access to the most up-to-date and accurate information on their accounts with your company.
With Billing Manager, they’ll have access to the following information:
- Open balances
- Print and view invoices
- Invoice status
- Payment history
- Payment types
With Billing Manager, your customers can reprint or email invoices on their own, without calling or emailing your accounting or administration team. This access to their billing information will also provide your customers with all the information they need should they need to dispute any charges, so even if they were to call in, your call will start with an informed customer who is viewing the same charges as your administration. This will help reduce the amount of time your agent will spend on a call and ensure that the call is resolved amicably and quickly.
4. Library & Shared Documents
In addition to all the customer information that is available in the Customer Portal, you could also give your customer access to a library of shared documents and content. The opportunity to build customer engagement and lower support calls is unlimited with this Customer Portal feature.
In the Library, you can place training videos, troubleshooting tips and tricks, commonly requested forms and contracts, and up-selling collateral in one centralized location that your customers can easily access 24/7. Knowledge is power and when you empower your customers with access to information that will improve and streamline their business, you’ll build customer loyalty and ensure that every interaction that your customer has with your business is a great one.
Are you interested in adding a Customer Portal to your Mobile Office Manager? For more information or a free trial, call 1-866-596-9481 ext. 101 or email