What not trying MOM (ERP) is costing you?
You’re too busy to switch to ERP software? Does it seem like a big investment for your small business? Your current systems and processes are working just fine? Does this sound like your company? If these thoughts have held you back from making the switch to an ERP software, you’ll want to read this.
What is an ERP software? ERP, which stands for Enterprise Resource Planning, is a software that streamlines all your business operations into one system. From accounting, human resources, customer relations, project management, and more – an ERP incorporates all the functions of your business in one application. Most ERP software providers offer a free trial too, so you can ensure you’re getting the right one for you.
Making the switch to an ERP software takes a bit of work, but the long-term investment definitely pays off (and even faster than you might think!). Here are 5 reasons why you should say goodbye to your current system and onboard with an ERP like Mobile Office Manager to save time and money.
Missing competitive edge
Sticking with your current set-up can leave you a step behind your competition and actually cost you more money. Technology is only growing, so relying on multiple systems or basic software that comes with your computers just won’t be enough. Paper-based systems also lack modern functionality (from real-time entry to automatic calculations to systemized filing and searching). While your competitors use an ERP system that speeds up their daily processes so they can focus on the bigger picture, you’ll be limited in your time and resources.
A good ERP should be easy to use with customizable features. You can tailor the software to make it work for your needs. For example, with Mobile Office Manager, you can modify report fields to fit your metrics. The right software provider will work with you to integrate key historical data, so that your current information isn’t lost, either.
Lacking connectivity
Staying on the same page with everyone on your team can mean lots of emails and calls. One missed communication can cause a ripple effect of errors and delays. Simplify this step and save time by using an ERP system that has a workflow system. With MOM, you can assign projects to the correct team member and keep systemized records all in one place. For example, if Sales needs to follow up with a client, you can quickly and easily add them to the project thread that already contains all the need-to-know information in real-time.
This connectivity is important for your field workers too. You can quickly assign a ticket to a technician and get real-time updates to and from them. Customers will begin to expect this level of service that can be easily achieved with an ERP solution.
Lost productivity
Manual data entry can be tedious and time-consuming, but at worst, it can also be prone to human error. One way to cut down on these errors is to have an easy-to-use ERP software that does a lot of the work for you and keeps all your important information in one place. Time-saving solutions for billing cycles, invoices, payments, transaction history, customer details, and project data are all in one place – your ERP – and this automated functionality will reduce mistakes. There’s only so much time in a day, and minutes spent on manual entry (by using multiple systems or paper-based ones) reduces the time for everything else.
Uninformed decisions
As you grow, you’ll have more and more data. It can be daunting to compile and read using outdated or paper-based systems, but it can make all the difference to your business plan. Speculating on what works well versus having the data to support can lead to poor, uninformed decisions that have potentially negative results. Even if the outcome of a choice was a positive one, there’s a chance it could’ve outperformed your expectations if you had carefully analyzed the data.
With all that information in one software system, like Mobile Office Manager, it’s much easier to pull centralized data to report on your business. Using real-time data, too, leads to more confident and well-thought-out business decisions and allows you to react more quickly than other solutions. Being flexible to changes that are rooted in these concrete metrics will help you surpass your competition.
Easier to do before you expand
Whether expanding your business or gaining new clients is part of your short-term or long-term goals, it’s easy to adopt a new ERP now before you get any bigger. Your systems may work in the present, but will likely slow you down as you continue to grow. Trying an ERP now will allow you to be planful and prepare to meet your future needs without any hiccups. If you wait to choose an ERP at a later date, you may find yourself signing up for the wrong one in a rush to make a decision and keep up with your daily demands. Sign up now, test out the software, and evaluate if that ERP is the one for you – before you get any busier!
Contact us to try our Mobile Office Manager for free now and see how it can work for your goals!